Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Attn: Second grade parents **First Reconciliation Dates**

Welcome Second Grade Families!

God has Great Plans for you this year!
This is an exciting year filled with Spiritual growth as your child prepares to share in God’s Life and Love through the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.

I look forward to seeing you and your child at ONE of the First Reconciliation Orientation Meetings held in the Multi-purpose room of the Education Center scheduled for:

Tuesday, October 4th at 6:30pm

OR Wednesday, October 5th at 6:00pm

I pray this will be an enjoyable and faith-filled journey for you and your whole family. If there is anything that I can do to be of assistance, please contact me at 246-4652 x 7-2 or You can also check our blog at for updates and other information.

May God Bless you!

Tory Henderson-Matuszak

Sacramental Coordinator
